Become a Catholic

Rite of Christian Initiation For Adults

Every year thousands of men and women around the world make the decision to become members of the Roman Catholic Church. The journey to become Catholic is called the Rite of Christian Initiation For Adults, or by the acronym R.C.I.A. for short.

The first step for anyone considering Church membership is to pray and ask God for guidance and direction. Is God calling you into a deeper relationship through membership in the Catholic Church which has over 1 Billion members throughout the world?

No one makes this journey alone. Members of Eden and Grenville are happy to walk with you and pray about what it means to become a Catholic and how to practice the Catholic Faith in today's world. Our Pastor & Staff love to meet new people.

What is your Story? What do you Seek?

Call our Priest at 605-486-4702 to discuss how you can learn and decide for yourself to begin the journey to the Catholic Faith.

Various topics and lessons will be covered that help people prepare to become members of the Catholic Church. Each year we offer a time of study and preparation to help people make this important decision to become a member of the Church.

Helpful Links

Sharing the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church and helping you make the journey home. Here the stories of hundreds of people who have made the journey home to the Catholic Church.

Search the world's largest database of answers about the beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith. Learn more about Catholicism through articles, books, videos and more.